The enormous pile of rubbish that constitues this website could never have been achieved without the help of the following people, whether they are aware of it or not.
- The late Dark Jedi 1aB for his images, humour and generosity.
- Blade for everything, notably his cool backgrounds.
- Funktime for remembering so many of the Lord of the Rings quotes
- Matt and Amy for pestering me to update this website, and for feigning interest in it.
- Amy for Talindra's Journal. She has a lot of dedication that girl!
- Judas, Flakes, Rachel, Starchaser, Blade and Dark Jedi for their character synopses that I've now scrapped.
- TSR for making AD&D.
- Wizards of the Coast for owning TSR and making Everway and the new D20 system.
- Hasbro for owning Wizards of the Coast, and for making Transformers.
- Various lecturing staff in the Department of Physics and Astronomy (including Prof. Grischuck, Dr. Richardson and Dr. Eales) for their words and phrases that cropped up in the course of my education that have entertained me so much.
- Various TV show fans for their various images.
- The following bands and people for the blatantly stolen lyrics: Radiohead, Counting Crows, Placebo, Weezer, Marcy Playground, Belle and Sebastian, Pearl Jam, Chris de Burgh, Therapy?, Lewis Carroll, 'Weird Al' Yankovic, the Boomtown Rats, Joss Whedon, whoever writes traditional songs.
- Pepsi for making Pepsi Max. And the R2D2 alarm clocks.
TSR Inc: The people who brought us D20.
The Literati Archive: Many people, including our friend Judas.
Cave of a Dark Jedi 1aB:The Force is strong with this one.
Krant: The page of the infamous bed-breaker.
General Lee: The website of a talented band called General Lee.
The OLR Corporation: The website of OLRcorp. movie fan and all-round cool guy.
Monte Cook's website: Do roleplayers dream of polyhedron sheep?
The Secret Diaries of the Lord of the Rings: and you thought the stuff on my website was funny...
[Banana Zone] [Star Wars] [Episode I] [Word of the Week] [The Dungeon] [Enjr] [Me] [Favourites] [Skavengers]