[Banana Zone] [Star Wars] [Episode I] [Word of the Week] [The Dungeon] [Enjr] [Me] [Favourites] [Skavengers]
- 'Corellian'
- A song I stole from an unknown location, based on 'Unforgiven' by Metallica.
- 'Dagobah's Not Home'
- Another song I stole from an unknown source, based on 'Wherever I may Roam', also by Metallica.
- 'Y.O.D.A.'
- A parody of that infamous Village People song in the form of Yoda talking to Luke. I've got no idea where this came from, either.
- Everything Has A Weakness
- A small list of Star Wars objects and characters and their weaknesses.
- Top Five
- There are many lists of the '101 things I learned from Star Wars' and here are my favourite five stolen from such lists.
- The Totally Bastardised Star Wars Trilogy
- Star Wars killed to the theme of maths and physics...
- Boba Fett Man
- Alternative lyrics to the They Might Be Giants' song Particle Man.
- Pizza Wars
- Take Star Wars and then substitute in pizza toppings for major characters... you get the idea.
- Death of Star Wars 2
- More (yes more) of this kind of wierd corruption, including Pants Wars, Console Wars and Look Sir, Droids!
A farmboy and old man,
They come and meet with me,
To get to Alderaan
I up the price quickly.
With a wookiee and two droids,
We go to hyperspace.
But unfortunately,
Alderaan's all over the place,
Yeah it was done
Ooooh, Tarkin shot the gun.
My money's gone away,
The Empire's gonna paaaaay...What Ben felt, I don't know.
Stupid droids made Chewie moan.
Never get my money,
I just want fair payment.
Jabba put bounties on my head
If I don't pay then I'll be dead!
Gotta free, princess with money...
I'm a greedy Corellian.Jedis dedicate their lives,
To truth and morality.
I just laugh at them all,
And exploit their money!
Of all the things I've seen,
Nothing makes me believe,
That one powerful force
Controls my destiny, no no it can't
Oh, maybe on Coruscant.
But it can't control me...
How powerful can it be?Boba Fett, had I known...
I left Jabba's cash at home!
Let me free, I'll pay the fee.
Don't let me be frozen.
Anakin, you'll never win,
Cause your name ryhmes with Mannequin!
Leia'll be, saving me,
I'm a frozen Corellian.You've frozen me, and I'll get back...
I'll throw you to the Sarlacc!
By accident, Fett'll be
Digested for 1,000 years!
Jabba, yell "bo shuda!" in vain,
As my girlfriend strangles you with a chain.
Hey Chewie, it's just me,
I'm a lucky Corelliaaan, wo-oh-oh.And I still got money!
Damn I'm one smooth Corellian.In these movies I never pee,
I'm a constipated Corellian.Ewoks live in a tree(?)
They don't like that I'm Corellian.I even hate snakes as Indy,
I'm an overworked Corellian.
In the swamp I nearly died,
I was stripped of all my pride.
In Yoda I did confide,
I won't go to the Dark Side, you can trust in me.My X-Wing sank to its grave,
Only R-2 did I save.
Yoda told me I'll be afraid...
Biggs died, Wedge ran, Han helped, Vader lived,
Chalk one Death Star kill.And I'll read your mind anywhere,
Kick your sorry behind anywhere,
Now I hallucinate everywhere,
Dagobah's not home...Yoda's 900 years old, da-amn.Now my X-Wing's gone, I fear.
I guess that I am stuck here.
In the Jedi ways I've grown,
Yoda says "Lift it, don't moan", I say "I'll try."And Yoda snaps "No!" at me.
Then he says "Do...", it's raspy.
"or do not there is no try."
Jedi, Rebel, Moaner, Farmboy.
That is why you fail...yeah you fail.And the Darkside Cave, evil's bed,
Need no weapons, that's what Yoda said
. Fought myself and cut off my head.
Dagobah's not home...just too many vines and stones.And my friends are being trapped elsewhere,
Han's in carbonite.
And I think I'll get out of here.
Dagobah's not home...Yoda doesn't want me to go.Now my friends are safe, everywhere.
Vader is my dad.
My long-lost sister Leia's there
Dagobah's not home, Yoda's as old as Bob Dole!Lost my hand to the bone,
And now I'm pissed but still not home.Dagobah's not home.
YOUNG MAN, I saw your ship come down. I said
YOUNG MAN, now it's muddy and brown. I said
YOUNG MAN, put your weapon away, 'cause I
*MEAN* *YOU* *NO* *HARM* *I* *SAY*
YOUNG MAN, There's no need to feel fear. I am
WONDERIN', tell me why are you here? How you
GROWIN', from this food on the plate, I say
*WARS* *DO* *NOT* *MAKE* *ONE* *GREAT*You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.
He's 900 years old!
He's so strong in the Force!
Do your Jedi Diploma course!You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
Come and get yourself clean!
Come and have a good meal!
Pretty soon now, the Force you'll feel!YOUNG MAN, you fell out of the sky, into
SOMETHIN' brown that smells like a sty, and this
TIN CAN started swimming and then, he got
YOUNG MAN, Welcome to Dagobah. He is
COMIN', master Yoda not far. I'll be
HAVIN' this bright thing that ain't hot. It is
*MINE* *OR* *I'LL* *HELP* *YOU* *NOT*You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.
He's 900 years old!
He's so strong in the Force!
Do your Jedi Diploma course!You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
Don't just stand in the rain!
You're all covered with mud!
Come and sample my homemade crud!OLD BEN, Are you listenin' to me? I can't
TRAIN HIM, he's so reckless you see! Like his
OLD MAN, he's so angry but brave! Betcha
YOUNG MAN, If you start will you end, or be
GOING, off to save all your friends? To be
TRAINING, needs commitment and work, if you
*WIMP* *OUT* *THEN* *YOU'RE* *A* *JERK*You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A
You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A
You should stay here and train!
You don't have to save Han!
If you do so, you'll lose your hand!You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A.
(repeat and fade)
LUKE : He told me enough! He told me you solved it!
DARTH: No, I am your force equation!
LUKE : (Checking notes) No! That's not true! That's IMPOSSIBLE!
DARTH: Search your workings, you know them to be true!
LUKE : I'll never join you!
DARTH: Luke, it is your cup of tea!
EMPEROR: I've been expecting you, young Skywalker. You no longer need those. (Gestures at notes. Luke holds on to them possessively) I'm looking forward to completing your training. Soon when it is complete, you will call me "Lecturer".
LUKE: You're wrong. Soon I'll be dead, and your theory with me.
EMPEROR: Ah. Perhaps you refer to the attempt of your friends to disprove F = ma? I assure you, we are quite safe here. An entire legion of my best theories await them! I'm afraid the second law will be quite operational when your science reporters arrive.
LUKE: Your unknown constant is your weakness.
EMPEROR: Your faith in your energy methods is yours!
VADER: It is pointless to resist, my son.
EMPEROR: Come, boy, see for yourself. (Gestures to blackboard. Luke reads the notes on it, and looks unhappy) Good. I can feel the hate growing in you now. Take your new-fangled theories. I am defenceless. Strike me down with all of your quantum mechanics, and your journey towards the laws of gravitation will be complete!
C3P0: (Hopelessly) We're lost R2. And we've forgotten that important constant that Master Luke told us to remember.
R2D2: Beep beep squeel blip dit dit boooooop bip.
C3P0: Oh R2, of course he won't melt us down. Master Luke is a kind man.
R2D2: Beep bip whirr blop.
C3P0: I think we should try to find our way back.
R2D2: (Starts heading off in a direction away from C3P0).
C3P0: Come back, R2, it's not that way!
R2D2: Dup beep Booop blip dit dooooo.
C3P0: You won't get it, R2. You can't possibly remember the equation to calculate the constant again.
R2D2: Breeeeeeow.
C3P0: Oh, R2! (starts hurrying after him) Master luke will be mad! And to think we lost the constant. It's the only way to defeat the emperor and we've just lost it!
R2D2: Blip bloop grrrrrrrrrrr boing.
C3P0: But eff DOESN'T equal emm ay! Oh what shall we do?
R2D2: Bip.
C3P0: R2? Do you really think so? But master Luke said that the equation had to be disproved.
R2D2: Whirrrrr bloop hung bop (His little antennae pops up and he changes direction slightly.) Ting boop.
C3P0: Oh dear, R2. whatever shall we do?
Camera pans out and the scene changes.
Carbonite Han, Carbonite Han
Carbonite Han is Frozen Man
Leia tried to win his hand
Carbonite Han
Chewie, Luke and Leia too
C3PO and R2D2
They all saved our action man
Defrosted man, Carbonite Han.
- You have burned my pizza for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett.
- Yes Milord.
- Make ready to cook another pizza, and deploy the speed ring, so
that no topping may leave the pizza.
You are in the kitchen now,
Admiral Piet.
DV - Darth Vader
EP - Emperor Palpatine
GM - Grand Moff Tarkin
HS - Han Solo
LC - Lando Calrissian
LS - Luke Skywalker
OB - Obi Wan Kenobi
PL - Princess Leia
PO - Porkins
RL - Red Leader
RP - Small-fry rebel person / pilot
YO - Yoda
OB: Use the Fork Luke!
DV: The Waiter never told you what happened to your pizza.
LS: He told me enough. He told me you ate it.
DV: No, I am your pizza.
GM: You prefer another pizza - a Stuffed Crust pizza, then name the toppings.
HS: Eat it up, Fuzzball.
RP: Your pizza will freeze before you reach your table.
HS: Then I'll eat it in Hell!
EP: Now young Coca-Cola, you will die.
DV: Never over-estimate the taste of Cheedex.
DV: Join me, and we can top this pizza with chicken and ham.
HS: Is the Ice Cream Factory ready yet?
RP: Not yet Sir; we're having trouble adapting it to the cold.
LC: They told me they cooked it. It's not my fault!
LC: I've just closed a deal that will keep my starters warm forever.
C3: ... Which you will slowly digest over a thousand years.
YO: Always he looked to the buffet. Never his mind on what he ordered, what he was eating.
DV: The Sauce is strong with this one.
YO: If you go now, eat it you could, but you would destroy all for which they have worked and suffered.
LS: But it'll burn if I don't!
LS: I'm not hungry.
YO: You will be. You will be.
OB: If you eat your starter you will do so alone. I can't eat anymore.
RP: But Sir, what good will anchovies be against THAT?
HS: Eat it up, Fuzzball. You didn't see us in Burger King, she bought a Whopper with fries for me.
DV: Never under-estimate the power of the Pork Side!
RP: It's done! It's done!
RL: No, no, it's just cooked on the surface.
PO: I got a large pizza here.
RP: Cut it up!
PO: No, I can hold it. AAAAARGH!
PL: I'd sooner feed a Wookie!
HS: I can arrange that. He needs a good pizza!
For more of these Pizza Wars, I recommend visiting
Judas as it was he
who worked in that pizza place and crafted this wierdness.
[Banana Zone] [Star Wars] [Episode I] [Word of the Week] [The Dungeon] [Enjr] [Me] [Favourites] [Skavengers]