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The following is a rough explanation and analysis of some of my favourite games, tabletop, verbal, physical and computer-based.

Lord of the Rings: You are the hobbits; the game is Sauron.
Fluxx: The rules change, the game evolves.
Spyro the Dragon: King among console games, if you ask me.
Monkey Island: Argueably the best computer games in the world. Ever.
Cat Attack: Hey! That's my fish! And other assorted feline frolicks, with claws.
Sticker on the Head: An old classic.
The Pants Game: Several examples of the fruits of this game are on this very website!

Lord of the Rings

This game is great - a board game in which the players work together against the game itself. Easy, many would think, but it's not. We've only defeated Sauron once! But it has almost endless playability, and the closer you work together, the more sacrifices you're willing to make, the more likely you are to succeed. It's fabulous, and has drawn heavily on the books to create a really well-thought out game. And the fact that it keeps defeating me makes me constantly come back for more! A hundred stars!

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]


Ah, now this is a fun little game. It's a card game, technically, but it's so clever that it won a prize from Mensa! Basically, there are four types of cards: blue, pink, yellow and green. Green cards are keepers and they go in front of you on the table, kept as it were. Pink cards are goals, which are generally based on keepers, and so having keepers is good because they will lead to victory, eventually. Yellow cards change the rules - for example, to drawing 2 cards, or imposing a limit on the number of cards in your hand. Blue cards are special, allowing you to take an extra go, or scrap a rule you don't like. And so, as you play, the game changes: the rules change and the criteria for winning change. It's not as complex as it sounds!
It's infinitely playable, and a nice variation on card games, which can get a little wearing after a while. That said, 2 player Fluxx can go on forever. It's a cool little game.

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

Spyro the Dragon

This little purple chap has been the subject of a number of games, of which I have played the four on the Playstations. He's cool, with his running around, charging into bad guys, flaming breath and gliding! I love it, just a shame the last game was a bit overly easy... Or maybe I've just played waaaay too much Spyro! It seems that whatever the trouble is, Spyro is either too small to be hit by it, or in the right place at the right time. And the other dragons are naff compared to Spyro, well, the animation is at any rate, and they have silly names. Actually, in the last game Spyro had to rescue all these baby dragonflies, and they had stupid names. I guess when you're naming 70 or so small cute insects, you're going to run out sooner or later, but even so!

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

Monkey Island

The Monkey Islands are, in my opinion, the best games ever. This is because they are funny, they are thinky, and they kick ass. The main character, Guybrush Threepwood, is considered laughable by most of the other characters, despite the fact that he keeps killing LeChuck, the ghost pirate, and discovered the treasure of Big Whoop, such that it was. The game also sports probably my favourite computer game character of all time - Murray, the talking skull! He's very funny indeed, and makes me want a voodoo head all of my own... In my opinion, the 3rd game is the best, just for the voices and most amusing plot line.

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

Cat Attack

Cat Attack is a fun board game where you each play a cat, who has a home and a burning desire to dominate all the other cats on the block. To do this you must either collect all the different items in the game - cat food, pills, fish, milk, a bird and a mouse, and thus prove yourself the most resourceful cat of all, and worthy of worship, or you can be the last cat standing, by killing all the others. Or, as any true leader should understand, delegate and let the other cats kill each other while you sit back and eat mice!

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

The Sticker on the Head Game

It's as simple as it sounds. Take a sticker (post-it notes are ideal) and write a name on it. The stick it on your friend's head. S/he then asks yes/no questions to try and work out who they are. You should also have a sticker on your head, and you take it in turns to ask questions (generally moving on to the next go when you get a no). It usually starts with "am I real?" and goes from there. The names can be of people, characters, places, buildings and even concepts (although the latter few are very difficult). There are a few tips that I have found handy over the years:
Tip 1: Rudyard Kipling and God are easily confused.
Tip 2: Characters from Xena and Hercules are difficult to pinpoint in time.
Tip 3: People will overlook the obvious ("Well, if I'm not on tv, how can I be an actor?")
Tip 4: Make sure the person whose sticker you're writing knows the name you're putting on it!
Tip 5: Argue over the finer details, like how many films Batman has been in. This will confuse the issue mightily, even on really easy ones!

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

The Pants Game

Easy game, this one. Take a film, or several films, or even a TV show. Just about anything you can quote. Stick the word 'pants' into these quotes at critical points, for much hilarity. See Star Wars and LOTR pants for examples!

[Lord of the Rings] [Fluxx] [Spyro the Dragon] [Monkey Island] [CatAttack] [Sticker on the Head] [The Pants Game]

More games and detail of existing games will be posted up soon. If you have any comments to make or would like your own review of a game posted up, please feel free to email me at dracoliche@hotmail.com

[Banana Zone] [Star Wars] [Episode I] [Word of the Week] [The Dungeon] [Enjr] [Me] [Skavengers] [Favourites]