Thus, to apply a poison, first roll the percentiles for effectiveness (include
bonuses and penalties for method of application) and then roll the damage.
This damage is then multiplied by the percentage to get the total damage that
the victime will sustain. Once done, the victim makes it's save vs
poison and then takes the appropriate damage at the rate specified by the DM.
The Assidilent Character Class
This character class was one developed by Rachel and myself for her character
arkh-Shamier'yv (effectively our playtest character). The other character
classes did not fit the style of character she wanted to take at all, so in the
end we decided to develop our own. The name is a combination of the
words 'diligent', 'vigilant' and 'assiduous' (Rachel came up with it).
The Assidilent: An assidilent is a watcher, a caretaker almost, a
gatherer of knowledge and languages. They are usually wanderers, quite
often pacifists, or certainly not fighters, people with a thirst for
knowledge about everything. They cannot cast spells (unless multi-classed,
obviously), cannot specialize like fighters and can only do a few of the
things that Rogues can do. They can take Non-Weapon proficiencies from the
General, Priest, Wizard and Rogue groups (paying double for Fighter group
proficiencies) and can use any weapons they so desire.