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Campaign #1 Non-Player Characters
I've got my Dungeon Master's Guide; I've got my twelve-sided dice...
The people in the world who aren't PCs are the NPCs and since in many cases they are as important as the characters, I felt it was only fair that they, too, got their own page. It isn't as detailed as the PC page but it'll do as there are far more of my guys than theirs. The party have met a lot of people in their travels, so here I have detailed only the important or memorable ones.
Major Good Guys
Minor Good Guys
Major Bad Guys
Minor Bad Guys
Neither Good nor Bad Guys
In memory of all those poor, hapless NPCs who, being made up on the spot, were granted only such names as Bob, Frank and Joe. To you, dear men, I dedicate this page for without your tireless work, the other NPCs would no doubt also be called Bob.
I would also like to take this opportunity to mention Chris the horse.
Major Good Guys
- Adrian
: A copper dragon who is partial to a ham sandwich or gallandor from time to time. The party have seen him a few times and it was he and Oax who gave them the mission to destroy Cimosco. He went to the Mystic Isles to help Seth fight evil there, and Sarah joined them for a decade after she was resurrected.
Oax: The mage from Craje who formed the party, sending them on several missions before the Cimosco one. He died in 1253, to the sorrow of... well, virtually no one. Except maybe his daughter, Shelley.
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Minor Good Guys
- Shelley:
Both Oax's daughter and one-time Mayor of Ural, Shelley met the party when they rescued Ural from Adrian. She befriended Morwen and married her childhood sweetheart, Jacor. She is now Mayor of Craje and has two children.
Platir: Sorceror-King of Epratium, Platir helped the party to escape from Chunn when it was under martial law. He is almost certainly the most powerful human magic-user of all time at the ripe old age of 450 or so, and has a very varied political past, although he seems to have settled into a peaceful reign in recent decades.
Turelle: An information-gatherer from Chunn, who aided Karl and fancied Morwen.
Oric and Balor: A pair of dwarves encountered in the Halfling capital, Dwelling. Balor is gorgeous by dwarf standards and had the ladies swooning all over him. They were both very scathing to Frayer when she asked to use their forge.
Captain Selhard: Aka Capt. Selhurst, he was the captain of the ill-fated Wayward who went down with his ship.
Trevelyan: A pirate navigator the party took a shine to while on the Senorita.
Tallwalker: Possibly the saddest encounter ever was the encounter with Tallwalker, a fire giant who had been put in a cave as a child and had grown too big to get out. When an erupting volcano caused an earthquake, the party gave him lethal poison so he wouldn't have to suffer as his cave fell in on him.
Ashitti: A native of Cimosco's Island, he warned the party (who had broken into his house) that they were in danger. He later unwittingly aided them by allowing them to dismantle aforementioned house so they could convert it into a raft.
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Major Bad Guys
- Cimosco
: The ultimate evil baddie from the very first campaign, Cimosco was a high-level mage who was threatening to take over the world. The party killed him in his own crypt, although they failed to uncover the device that he had been planning to take over the world with.
Malagur: Cimosco's rather sick-minded brother, in the habit of raping and killing village girls for pleasure. He was killed when he tried to expel them from his rooms.
Shaluza: Actually, she was Cimosco as a woman. Cimosco was fond of polymorphing himself.
The Blue Priest of Betram: He wasn't always blue. Due to an ill chosen hold person spell, he caused the goddess Iaphre to appear in his presence, which in turn caused his god, Betram, to appear. Betram decided to appear by stepping through the man's body, however, which caused him to turn blue permanently and crackle slightly when touched. The dwarves put an end to this, however.
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Minor Bad Guys
- Duke Norlance I & II:
A lack of thought and care brought about the demise of Duke Norlance Snr, which caused Alain, his son and heir, to bear a grudge against a certain Karl Marell...
Myriama: A wierd (dead) woman with a wierd doll.
Captain Rombarto: The scourge of the seas, Rombarto was a pirate with a lot of flair and libido. Last seen eating highly poisonous food donated to him by Angor upon the death of Giffy.
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Neither Good nor Bad Guys
- Plath & co
: On two occasions the party encountered Plath, a priest of Betram, and his assorted adventuring mob: the group split up after fighting in the halfling lands for a while. The others scattered to the winds, but Plath himself, a priest of Betram, stayed to fight for the little people. He and Sarah fought side-by-side for many years, and later he also fought with Dalbarwan when Sarah brought her to the war. Plath himself if a male half-elf who has just passed his 100th birthday.
Dirrl & Abram: Ex-apprentices of Sorceror-King Platir both, the former is dead and the latter went into hiding in the former Jandarr Empire and is probably dead now.
Sky: Despite being Adrian's son, Sky is not exactly a friend of the party, partly because he's not a friend of his father's. Being a human-dragon amalgamation makes him a bit of a loner.
Lady Meron: An Epratian noble lady who was escorted by Lientei while he ponced about with his falcon.
Portrathos: A "rainseeker" who was accosted by Karl and would have been accused of being Cimosco by Morwen if she'd ever known he was a mage.
Ebeneezer: A rather flighty mage who is memorable mostly for the magical items he possessed, which he ran off with.
Giffy: Angor's psychopathic dwarven war-pony, killed when the Senorita sank with all the horses in the hold. Giffy was far too scary for anyone but Angor to miss him, really, but he was probably harder than most adventurers.
Innocent Carts: The party seem incapable of keeping hold of one cart for any time. Their first cart was on loan to Kaer but disappeared outside Ural. The second cart came from the same place (after much grovelling) but was abandoned inside Chunn. The third cart, also from the same man (at great expense) was called 'The Intrepid' in 4 different languages but was burnt to a cinder by some slavers. The fourth cart managed to survive long enough to be sold but that was a total of 4 carts in about 4 months. And the fifth cart was stolen, lost, stolen again and now resides in the clutches of a lucky farmer. And I won't even begin on the horses...
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Any comments that you wish to add to these profiles, please mail me.
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